Sonora Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

26: Sonora

Son Mex #VGB5431
Sonora undated passenger issue (1998 issue). This graphic from Sonora shows a native dancer doing a "deer dance" in a headdress fitted with antlers. Two different "Sonora" logos are found at the top and bottom left corners, with the lower one containing the slogan "El Estado Amigo," or "The Friendly State." Coincidentally, this slogan was rejected by Texas back in the early 1990s for their plates.
Son Mex #VTC-42-28
Sonora undated passenger issue (2002 issue). One of the more striking graphic issues from Mexico. This plate carries over the image of the native dancer with headdress doing the "deer dance," this time placed in the center of a sunburst with rays extending to the edges of the plate.
Son Mex #VVF-68-59
Sonora undated passenger issue (2005 issue). This issue from Sonora carries over the "deer dance" motif from previous issues, although in a more toned-down version than the second-generation plate. This is another issue, like Colima and Morelos, to include "MEXICO" overprinted in silver over the entire serial. This is also the first Mexican plate I've added to my collection to have been made of aluminum rather than steel.
Son Mex #VXD-40-65
Sonora undated passenger issue (2008 issue). The 2008 issue from Sonora toned down the graphics significantly, with just a red band at the bottom and small logo at top left. This design, while simple, is certainly one of the most easily-legible issues from any Mexican state in recent years. The overprinted serial is discontinued on this issue, although the plates continue to be made of aluminum.
Son Mex #WCA-34-95
Sonora 2013 passenger issue. A new issue was introduced in 2011 featuring the image of a ram in the center of the plate and a multicolor band at the bottom containing the slogan "Un Nuevo Sonora."
Son Mex #WDM-61-87
Sonora undated passenger issue (2014 issue). A new issue was introduced in 2014 featuring a ram, whale tail and desert landscape at the bottom.

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Last Modified 5/29/2016 (added 2014 plate).