Campeche Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

04: Campeche

Camp Mex #DFB6775
Campeche undated passenger issue (1999 issue). Sparse graphic from Campeche featuring the government logo at the lower left and a Mayan jade mask at the lower right. Beneath the mask graphic is the slogan "El Tesoro Escondido de Mexico," or "The Hidden Treasure of Mexico."
Camp Mex #DFF-43-17
Campeche undated passenger issue (2002 issue). This plate features a graphic of the ancient wall around Campeche City.
Camp Mex #DFL-84-90
Campeche undated passenger issue (2005 issue). The third offering from Campeche, this is another striking issue from the state. The graphic features Mayan ruins which serve as an archeological site in the state. The state name and seal are in green at the bottom of the plate.
Camp Mex #DGC-55-34
Campeche undated passenger issue (2008 issue). This graphic retains the motif of the previous plate in a turquoise-colored rendition of the Mayan ruins at Edzna. This plate is odd among recent Mexican issues as it does not contain the state's alphabetical code (04) anywhere on the plate. It does, however, feature an "08-10" notation at the bottom, signifying the plate's issuance and expiration years.
Camp Mex #DGX-58-57
Campeche undated passenger issue (2011 issue). Campeche released this relatively simple graphic issue starting in 2011, again marked with the years of issue, 2011-13 in this case. The government logo is featured at bottom right, as well as in the red field behind the state name, with the state shield at top left and Mayan representation of the state number (4) at bottom left.
Camp Mex #DHK-19-22
Campeche undated passenger issue (2014 issue). A new graphic was released in 2014 featuring a colorful row of houses at the bottom with the state name in similar colors and the slogan "ÁQuiero Estar Ah’!" (I Want to Be There!) The plate includes the issuance dates 2014-16 and state seal at top left.
Camp Mex #DJG-73-83
Campeche undated passenger issue (2017 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Campeche's 2017 issue features an image reminiscent of an old 8-bit computer graphic of the landscape of the state. State and national seals are at bottom corners, as is a QR code, which technically should be at top right to be 100% compliant. Campeche is one of the few states still using the older ABC-12-34 numbering format on their 2017 issues, most others have flipped to ABC-123-A by now.

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Last Modified 8/18/2017 (added 2017 plate).