Distrito Federal Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

09: Ciudad De Mexico/Distrito Federal

DF Mex #112KKU
Distrito Federal 1999 passenger issue. Not really a "graphic," per se, DF plates of this time period were essentially just the old federal issues with the outside border removed. Earlier versions of this plate had an embossed "99" date in the corner, while later ones did not. The DF continues to use a unique 123-ABC passenger numbering format, as opposed to the ABC1234 format used by the rest of the jurisdictions.
DF Mex #509 LHY
Distrito Federal undated passenger issue (2000 issue). Circa-2000 plate with the embossed "99" removed from the corner. Some plates in this series were apparently manufactured with different, wider dies as well before the district switched to its "angel" graphic in 2001.
DF Mex #259 LNC
Distrito Federal undated passenger issue (2000 issue). Variant as mentioned before with the thicker serial dies. This version started in the mid "L" series and seems to have carried over until the new graphic issue started, in the late "L" series.
DF Mex #116-LYK
Distrito Federal undated passenger issue (2002 issue). This plate features a graphic of the Ángel de Independencia on Avendia Reforma - a monument to Mexican independence in Mexico City. As with previous issues, the DF is the only Mexican jurisdiction to use a reversed 123-ABC serial format.
DF Mex #250-VUH
Distrito Federal undated passenger issue (2008 issue). This issue features red and green ribbons at the top, with a much smaller image of the angel statue below the serial.
DF Mex #933-YZU
Distrito Federal undated passenger issue (2013 issue). A new graphic was introduced in 2013 featuring the angel statue to the right with a skyline to the background. The government logo is included to top left with the district's website address added bottom right.
DF Mex #F72-ADX
Distrito Federal undated passenger issue (2015 issue). Continuation of the above base, when serials in the previous 123-ABC format ran out in 2015, the district flipped to a new A12-BCD format. Plates remained otherwise unchanged.
Ciudad de Mexico undated passenger issue (2016 issue). Big changes were made in 2016, as the DF officially changed its name to Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico City), reflected on these sparse new plates featuring the CDMX abbreviation/logo at top. These continued the serial format on the last DF series plates.
Ciudad de Mexico undated passenger issue (2016 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. CDMX was more or less in compliance already, but the plate was tweaked slightly to rearrange elements anyway. The serial was widened on these new plates for increased visibility.

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Last Modified 3/16/2018 (added 2015-16-17 plates).