Colima Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

06: Colima

Col Mex #FRS3044
Colima 2000 passenger issue. This plate features a mountain in the background and treeline along the bottom. The state seal is shown at bottom left, with the "2000" date underneath. This may be the second Colima graphic issue, as a widely-circulated sample plate with a sailboat in the background exists, but I've yet to ever confirm one of those issues with an actual passenger serial.
Col Mex #FRY-62-22
Colima undated passenger issue (2005 issue). This issue features the mountain theme again at the bottom, with a graphic of Rey Coliman (King Coliman) at the bottom left. This plate uses an odd new production method where "MEXICO" is overprinted in silver lettering all through the serial of the plate.
Col Mex #FWA-10-40
Colima undated passenger issue (2010 issue). A new plate was released in 2010 featuring the state seal in the background over green lines and the government logo at bottom.
Col Mex #FRE-228-A
Colima undated passenger issue (2017 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Colima's entry features the colors of the Mexican flag at bottom along with state and national seals.

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© Copyright 1998-2025 David Nicholson. All Rights Reserved.

Last Modified 3/16/2018 (added 2017 plate).