Guerrero undated passenger issue (2000 issue). First graphic plate from Guerrero, they opted for the "state seal in the center" approach as well, which was taken by quite a few states with these plates. The seal makes it awfully difficult to see the center character on the plate, I'll say. These plates carried a vehicle class designation at the bottom, "Servicio Particular" indicating a private passenger vehicle. |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2003 issue). This is perhaps my favorite of the recent Mexican graphics, from the state of Guerrero. The graphic shows images of the Mezcala suspension bridge, a jumping sailfish, and the gates of the Fort of San Diego, among other things. This is one of a handful of these new plates to include both the full state name and the old abbreviation (GRO MEX) at the same time. |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2006 issue). This graphic was introduced in 2006 and incorporates several graphic elements. The background is an ocean scene with sailboat to the left, sailfish, and the cliffs of Acapulco to the right. At the center of the plate is the state seal in full color. This plate was issued through the end of 2008 |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2009 issue). Relatively sparse graphic from Guerrero compared to the last couple graphics. This plate features a colored banner at top and the slogan "Independientes por Guerrero," with a smaller state seal at lower right. |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2012 issue). A new issue was introduced in 2012 with orange and yellow bands surrounding the serial, with the state seal and government logo in the top corners. |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2015 issue). This graphic was introduced in 2015 and features the images of a cliff diver and Catedral de Santa Prisca in Taxco. Government logo and state seals are also featured. |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2017 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Guerrero's 2017 issue features a colorfully designed band at the bottom with state and national seals around the corners of the plate. The state implemented the new national ABC-123-A serial format starting with this base. |
Guerrero undated passenger issue (2018 issue). Guerrero only issued their 2017 plate for one year before tweaking the design for 2018, adding a government logo at the top and a larger, more colorful color motif and seals at bottom. |