Quintana Roo Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

23: Quintana Roo

QR Mex #U
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (1998 issue). Graphic plate from Quintana Roo, featuring the outline of the state's shape behind the serial. The state seal is seen at top left. There are at least three variations of this plate, with this undated version preceding the dated '98' versions shown next.
QR Mex #USD1246
Quintana Roo 1998 passenger issue. Embossed-date version of the above plate. Plate also uses a slightly different font for the state abbreviation from the undated version above, plus drops the bar code found on the undated plate.
QR Mex #USH3517
Quintana Roo 1998 passenger issue. Another dated variation of the Quintana Roo plate, this one features a narrower die for the date and a wider, bolder font for the state abbreviation.
QR Mex #UTP-39-82
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (2002 issue). This issue has a graphic of a Mayan building in the background. The state name and government logo are in a red band at the bottom.
QR Mex #UVG-17-50
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (2008 issue). Simplified issue from Quintana Roo released in 2008 featuring a graphic band with Mayan images at the bottom as well as the state name and seal.
QR Mex #UUE-10-43
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (2010 issue). This graphic, released in 2010, features a full image of a sailfish in the background, the state being known as a preminent sport fishing destination.
QR Mex #URM-392-A
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (2013 issue). Continuation of the above plate issue. Later issues of this plate are issued in an ABC-123-D format as the state apparently overran its allocation of numbers in the standard format.
QR Mex #URX-324-B
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (2014 issue). Graphic issue for 2014 including a colorful image of a tiger shark along with the government and state seals and, for some reason, a QR code. These plates continued the ABC-123-D format introduced at the end of the previous issue.
QR Mex #UVE-808-C
Quintana Roo undated passenger issue (2017 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Quintana Roo's plate features a number of icons across the top with the state name and national and state seals at bottom.

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© Copyright 1998-2025 David Nicholson. All Rights Reserved.

Last Modified 3/15/2018 (added 2017 plate).