Aguascalientes undated passenger issue (2000 issue). Graphic issue from the state of Aguascalientes, featuring a mountainline at the bottom (common feature on these newer plates), sky at the top, government logo at the bottom left and state seal at the bottom right. This plate is one of a handful to feature a slogan, "Sociedad y Gobierno Unidos en el Cambio", or "Society and Goverment United in the Change." Aguascalientes was one of the later states to "go graphic," using their 1992 federal issue up through this plate's release in 2000. |
Aguascalientes undated passenger issue (2000 issue). Slightly modified version of the same plate as above, this one has the "AGS MEX" at the bottom outlined in white, as opposed to the one above which only had it in blue. The background of this plate is also slghtly darker in general. |
Aguascalientes 2005 passenger issue. This issue places the state name in a blue band at the top, with the state seal in the background. It carries the dates 2005-2007, which were removed in a slight redesign in 2008. |
| Plate Missing: A revised version of the 2005 base was released in 2008 which removed the dates from the bottom of the plate. |
Aguascalientes undated passenger issue (2012 issue). A new issue was released in 2012 featuring red bands at top and bottom and the current government logo in the background. |
Aguascalientes undated passenger issue (2018 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Aguascalientes released this simple issue in 2018 with state and government seals and colored bands at the bottom. The state also flipped to the new ABC-123-D serial format for passenger vehicles. |