Jalisco Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

14: Jalisco

Jal Mex #HYP-12-69
Jalisco undated passenger issue (2002 issue). Jalisco was the last of the Mexican states still using their 1992 federal issue, first issuing this graphic plate in 2002 when most states were issuing their second graphic. The plate has a graphic of an agave plant in the background to symbolize the production of tequila in the state. The blue graphic to the right is the current government logo, which I believe shows the state shape in blue being held up by a hand in white. The state seal is at the top left.
Jal Mex #JJC-21-10
Jalisco undated passenger issue (2011 issue). After being the last of the Mexican states to release a graphic plate, Jalisco also holds the title for longest stretch between redesigns, going nearly nine years between the original graphic and this issue released in 2011 (most states average a new design every 3-4 years.) This simple graphic features the goddess Minerva, as depicted in a statue in Guadalajara, with a small state seal at top left.
Jal Mex #JNS-46-84
Jalisco undated passenger issue (2018 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Jalisco's 2018 issue is quite simple, with a small red logo at top and state and national seals in the bottom corners. As a smaller state, Jalisco is one of the few not to flip to the newer ABC-123-A format on their 2017 base, sticking with the older ABC-12-34 allocation.

Additional Jalisco information provided by: Edgar Sánchez Grajeda

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Last Modified 8/18/2017 (added 2018 plate).