Michoacán undated passenger issue (1998 issue). The state seal is used in the background, with a red band to the bottom featuring the state and country abbreviation. A logo featuring a butterfly and fish is located at the top left of this plate. This plate also features a bar code, but the number is not printed below this one. |
Michoacán undated passenger issue (2003 issue). This plate was released in mid-2003. The design is fairly sparse, consisting of a series of lines across the background and the state government logo at the bottom. I'd heard this plate was fairly controversial, as the state is not an especially rich one and residents felt that resources could be better spent in ways other than releasing a new license plate. Fair point. |
Michoacán undated passenger issue (2007 issue). Starting in 2007, this plate features a graphic band of monarch butterflies across the bottom below the serial. The government logo and state seal are carried over from previous issues in the bottom corners. |
| Plate Missing: A slight revision to the butterfly plate was released in 2011, updating the state government logo at the bottom left corner. |
Michoacán undated passenger issue (2012 issue). A graphic plate was introduced in 2012 featuring the state seal in the background with the state shape and government logo beneath green and red lines in the bottom corners. |
Michoacán undated passenger issue (2016 issue). 2016 graphic issue featuring a grey band at top and a multicolor star graphic at the bottom with the slogan Está en ti (It's In You.) A QR code is located at bottom left, with the state seal at right. |