Nayarit Graphic License Plates, 1998-present

18: Nayarit

Nay Mex #REK7785
Nayarit undated passenger issue (1998 issue). Simple graphic base from the state of Nayarit, with the image of the state shape and the state seal at the bottom corners. The plate is otherwise similar to the older federal issue.
Nay Mex #REC-13-88
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2002 issue). This graphic issue has a blue wave at the bottom, likely symbolic of the ocean, and the current government logo with the slogan "Todos para Nayarit para todos" or "All for Nayarit, Nayarit for all." Sounds good.
Nay Mex #REE-72-45
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2004 issue). New issue from Nayarit, featuring the state seal flanked by two "Eyes of God," based on famous local yarn handcrafts. A child playing the fiddle wearing traditional native dress is also featured, at top left, as is the state shape at bottom right.
Nay Mex #REH-39-67
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2007 issue). This full-graphic issue features an aerial photo of the beach at Nueva Vallarta. The new slogan "Cuna de la Mexicanidad" ("Heart of Mexican-ness", give or take) is included as well.
Nay Mex #REH-39-67
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2010 issue). Another beach scene for this Nayarit graphic, released in 2010 and celebrating the bicentennial of Mexican independence. The word Riviera is added to the state name as a reference to the state's location along the "Mexican Riviera" along the western coast of the country.
Nay Mex #RFN-56-34
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2013 issue). A new graphic was issued in 2013 featuring native imagery in the background. This issue features the slogan "Orgullo Que Nos Une" ("Pride Which Unites Us.")
Nay Mex #RGH-14-50
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2016 issue). The 2016 issue for Nayarit pans away from the beach to feature a mountain line in the background instead.
Nay Mex #RGK-81-52
Nayarit undated passenger issue (2017 issue). New national standards were established by Mexico's Secretary for Communications and Transport starting in 2017, resulting in a flood of new issues. These standards dictate the placement of graphic elements on the plates, mostly restricted now to the top and bottom of the plate. Nayarit's 2016 issue was mostly compliant, so only a few design tweaks were made for the 2017 version. Nayarit is one of a handful of states still using the older ABC-12-34 serial format on their current plates as of 2018.

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Last Modified 3/16/2018 (added 2017 plate).